How to change the password for my DigiBoxx account?

We belong to an era where we need to focus on user experience if we plan to engage our audience on our website or mobile application. We are sure you agree with us!

DigiBoxx, a Digital Asset Management platform, focuses on providing the best user experience. Each functionality/feature developed on DigiBoxx is very simple to implement. One such feature is to change your existing password of DigiBoxx account.

You need to follow the below set of steps if you wish to change your password in seconds.

Steps to change the password of your DigiBoxx account

  • Click on the profile button at the top Digiboxx Myboxx Profile
  •  Select the profile option from the drop down.
  • On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see the option ‘Settings.’ Click on it.
  • You will find text boxes at the top of the page where you will be asked to enter the old password, new password, and renter the new password.
  • Once you are done entering the new password, click on the Save button. Digiboxx Paswword Reset
  • Do not forget to create a strong password for your DigiBoxx account.

AND DONE! It is as simple as that to change your DigiBoxx account password. If you are still facing any issues while changing your password, just try to connect with us. We will be happy to serve you.